User Journeys.

just a small taste…

  • traffic user journey |  | UX Mariza

    M1 shows the main route. A quick core journey for users.

    A1 route is a well signposted user journey, slightly less important to M1.

    B road defines a nonessential route for users.

  • traffic user journey |  | UX Mariza

    Second persona of the same project.

    Different user thoughts lead their journey in the website.

  • traffic user journey |  | UX Mariza
  • traffic user journey |  | UX Mariza
  • traffic user journey |  | UX Mariza
  • traffic user journey |  | UX Mariza
  • traffic user journey |  | UX Mariza
  • traffic user journey |  | UX Mariza

traffic user journey | investment

Project overview

A set of user journeys were mapped for the development of a property investment website. The project challenge was to manage users profile diversity so as to well expose the information and lead each persona to the right path, with the ultimate goal to contact an agent. Although all users were looking to invest, their background, personal goals and decision making influences determined their journey and their final decisions.


Each journey starts with a persona that was created at a previous stage, and depicts all the possible paths on the website using roadmap symbols.
It pictures how personas’ mindsets lead to certain routes and helps define the expected content.
Key in the analysis of the journeys was to highlight primary and secondary routes, which determined the design stage later.

traffic user journey |  | UX Mariza

Project overview

Another group of traffic user journeys were created for a health and social care charity website. 

User journeys design was a crucial step as we managed to define clear entry points, list all user thoughts, and finally state the type of content expected by users.

traffic user journey | social care

straight user journey |  | UX Mariza

Project overview

This method was used to analyse users’ expectations of a big healthcare organisation website with many different content areas, and a variety of user profiles.

It breaks down the concerns of each visitor and depicts the core route for each potential user, in order to achieve their objectives.

straight user journey | healthcare